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Phone: 1-800-Total-Theme
Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Our AODE substance use residential treatment facility, Park Place Recovery Center, is a CARF Certified ASAM LOC 3.5 program and a DOC-Approved Provider for Program Good Time Credit (PGTC).

The ASAM Level of Care Certification Program™️ provides an independent assessment of a treatment program’s ability to deliver services consistent with The ASAM Criteria®️. Delivered in partnership with CARF International (CARF), is the first program of its kind to independently assess and verify treatment programs’ capacity to deliver services consistent with the level of care standards described in The ASAM Criteria.

CARF accreditation is an indication of our organization’s dedication and commitment to improving the quality of the lives of the person served. Services, personnel, and documentation clearly indicate an established pattern of conformance to standards.

PGTC is an incentive that allows SUD clients to earn time off their court-ordered sentence thus reducing their amount of time under supervision with P&P.

Asam Level 3.5
CARF Accredited
Kentucky Department Of Corrections

Outpatient Services provides individualized treatment planning to assist persons in examining their lives and making changes that improve their lives. Those seeking help may have the following available to them.

Outpatient Services

Outpatient Services provides individualized treatment planning to assist persons in examining their lives and making changes that improve their lives. Those seeking help may have the following available to them.


DUI and additional alcohol and other drug assessments are available to individuals requiring an evaluation to determine their level of involvement with alcohol and other drugs. As a result of the assessment process, recommendations are made.

Individual Sessions

Initial motivation for change is often developed through individual sessions and results in a person centered treatment plan. Additionally these sessions may be used to identify and work on complex concerns.

Drug Testing

Referral sources and individuals may request drug testing to support treatment efforts to achieve and maintain sobriety.


Available through individual and group sessions. Basic alcohol and other drug education along with education about goal setting and change can be provided. Group programming is available based on need.

Peer Specialist Services

Support from Trained peers who have experience addiction and who have achieved recovery can be helpful in a recovery journey. Peer Specialists provide support and encouragement as someone who has experienced many of the same struggles that go along with addiction.

Targeted Case Management and Pregnancy Case Management

Referrals and assessment of the need for case management is available for many individuals receiving services for alcohol and other drug issues. As people work towards their goals, case management services may be available to assist individuals in learning about and accessing community supports.

Psychiatric/Medication Evaluation & Management

Some individuals participating in counseling for alcohol and other drug issues have co-occurring mental health concerns. Psychiatric and medication evaluations are available to the individuals that would benefit from this additional intervention. LifeSkills provide Vivitrol which is appropriate for some individuals who are seeking recovery from opioid addiction.

Zero Tolerance DUI Services

An initial screening is provided to individuals seeking services due to a zero tolerance DUI conviction. Individuals are then referred to the appropriate program to help them complete their DUI counseling requirement.

Group Therapy

Group sessions are provided in nearly every county. Individuals attending these sessions develop a treatment plan, with their therapist, which outlines their goals and the steps they will take to achieve them. The group sessions provide opportunities to improve communication skills, awareness, and to access support that can motivate individuals to change and grow.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Provides additional structure and support to individuals seeking to achieve sobriety. Those participating in this program can expect to attend group sessions for a minimum of nine hours per week. Family participation can help in improving their understanding of addiction and how they can support efforts to achieve and maintain sobriety.

Outpatient-Based Opioid Treatment Program (OBOT)

For individuals seeking recovery from opioid use and alcohol use in an outpatient setting, a comprehensive approach is used to help clients begin and maintain their new lives in recovery. When appropriate, recovery may be assisted by certain medications that support longer-term engagement in treatment. This model employs evidence-based practices along with the wisdom and healing power of Twelve-Step recovery to help individuals with opioid and alcohol use disorders.

Residential Treatment

Park Place Recovery Center is a 35-bed facility for individuals who have advanced or chronic chemical addiction. The length of stay varies based on individual needs. There are numerous services available during a residential stay at Park Place Recovery Center.

Non-Medical Detoxification

Provided to some individuals who need assistance achieving initial abstinence due to minor physical withdrawal symptoms.

Individualized Treatment Planning

Through individual sessions and joint effort, the therapist and client develop goals for the residential stay.

Family Sessions & Family Group

Family involvement is central to individuals repairing the wreckage of the past and laying a foundation for a new life. Families of addicted individuals have been profoundly affected by addiction and through family sessions and family group they can begin to heal along with their loved one.

Education Groups

Provide the up to date information about addiction. The effects on brain functioning, behavior, relationships, and more are explained through these groups.

Therapy Groups

With positive and caring support clients participate in these intensive sessions, challenging themselves and one another to achieve awareness and change their behavior.

Introduction to 12-Steps Help Recovery Groups

Attendance at local 12-step recovery groups occur multiples times per week. Speakers and steps studies also occur weekly.

Psychiatric Evaluation Referral

A referral to a psychiatric/medication evaluation is available for individuals who appear to need additional assistance.


Weekly after care meetings are for individuals who have completed the residential program. These meetings are an opportunity to connect with others in recovery and improve skills that support recovery.

Social/Recreational Therapy

Individuals participate in recreational and social activities that support sobriety.

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