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Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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LifeSkills Industries offer a variety of Vocational Services to people with disabilities. Supports are designed to help people with assessing and developing vocational skills and with finding and maintaining employment of choice in the community.

Program Director:
Kimberly Malone Weiskircher
(270) 901-5000

Services Offered


Evaluation is the initial step when a person is referred for vocational services through the Kentucky State Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR). This period allows the vocational evaluator to monitor the person’s attendance, production, work ethic, and ability to work well with others in a light industrial work environment. After a 2-week period of monitoring, the vocational evaluator makes recommendations, using a comprehensive assessment of the person’s physical, mental and emotional abilities in order to determine vocational potential and help form appropriate goals.

Contact Kimberly Malone Weiskircher: (270) 901-5000

Time Limited Job Placement

Time-Limited Job Placement supports people who are recovering from substance abuse, have mental health concerns and/or a physical disability. Vocational counselors assist people with finding and maintaining compatible, competitive employment while continuing to provide them with the tools needed to succeed in the workplace. Assistance is provided with developing resumes, developing work references, reviewing applications and conducting mock interviews. People are also assisted with interview and employment needs such as appropriate clothing, transportation, etc. After the person obtains a job, follow up services are provided for 90 days to ensure the person is able to sustain independence both socially and economically.

Contact Kimberly Malone Weiskircher: (270) 901-5000


Pre-ETS is a partnership with the Education and Workforce Cabinet’s Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to serve students with disabilities age 14-21 in the school setting.  The goal is to prepare students for the workforce and other post-secondary endeavors.  Core training includes job exploration, work place readiness, self-advocacy, work based learning and post-secondary counseling.

Contact Cameron Scharlow: (270) 901-5000 ext 1326

Supported Employment

Supported Employment helps people with intellectual disabilities locate and maintain employment.  Supported Employment staff support people both on and off the job to ensure success.  Each person is assisted with career exploration, identification of job assistance/accommodations needs, resume preparation, interview preparation/support, and customized employment search.  Once the person obtains employment, staff provide one-on-one job coaching on the job site until he or she can work independently.  On-going follow up meetings are then conducted with the company and the person to ensure the job match remains successful.

Contact Cameron Scharlow: (270) 901-5000 ext 1326

Adult Day Training

Adult Day Training Services are provided in Warren, Logan, Butler, and Allen Counties.  People are supported to develop skills in the areas of daily living, social interaction, artistic expression and employment.  Opportunities for paid work and volunteerism are provided both on-site or in the community.

Contact Kimberly Malone Weiskircher: (270) 901-5000

LifeSkills Industries Locations:

  • 2420 Russellville Rd, Bowling Green
  • 720 North Fourth St, Scottsville

Contact Kimberly Malone Weiskircher:
(270) 901-5000

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