About the Council
LifeSkills Client and Family Advisory Council (CFAC) is a venue for those with lived experience in mental illness or addiction or their family members, to review the services of their local community mental health provider and offer suggestions on how services might be improved.
Our Mission:
“To advocate for adults, children and families whose lives are touched by mental illness and addiction through sharing our experience and knowledge with LifeSkills Inc.”
The CFAC examines facets of LifeSkills policies, procedures and services provided, and has conducted surveys and focus groups with LifeSkills clients. Since most members are also involved in other organizations such as NAMI, KY STARS, AA/NA, etc, they serve as networking connections into a wider community of mental health and addition services.
If you would like to join the LifeSkills CFAC, email us at eporter@lifeskills.com.