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Phone: 1-800-Total-Theme
Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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We pledge to:

  • Treat everyone with dignity, respect, and thoughtful understanding.
  • Listen and collaborate to build sustainable partnerships of mutual trust and understanding.
  • Practice person-centered approaches in all service planning.
  • Utilize best practices or evidence-based models.
  • Value human, cultural, individual, and family differences.


We support people who experience mental illness, addiction, and intellectual disabilities as they build meaningful and independent lives.

Core Values

Integrity – Exhibiting the highest moral, ethical, and legal standards. Doing the right thing even when no one else is looking. Behaving in a way that is beyond reproach. Being impeccable with one’s word.

Teamwork – Putting team success over personal success. Gladly pitching in to help, regardless of whose job it is. Actively valuing the strengths and talents of others. Transcending differences to work in collaboration.

Trust/Respect – Seeing and believing in the good intentions of others. Interacting with others in a way that makes them feel valued. Listening without judging. Offering understanding and acceptance. Being true to one’s word; following through on promises. Demonstrating open and positive communication. Being always polite and professional.

Care/Compassion – Demonstrating unconditional kindness, concern, and empathy. Asking, “What if this was my loved one?” Exhibiting genuine concern for others.

Ownership/Accountability – Taking personal responsibility for one’s work, actions, and feelings. Acting as an owner of LifeSkills, Inc. Asking, “What can I do to make this the best it can be?” Accepting responsibility for and learning from mistakes.

Recovery – We champion the belief that recovery is possible for all with proper assessment, treatment, and supports.

Prevention – We commit to a partnership within our communities to build strong and effective prevention and early intervention programs.

Client Rights


  1. To be treated with dignity and respect, which includes being free from abuse, financial or other exploitation, retaliation, humiliation and neglect. 
  2. To receive quality treatment within the Organization’s capabilities regardless of color, national origin, marital status, race, religion, gender, age, ethnic background, mental and/or physical disabling condition, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, or ability to pay and to comply with VAWA (Violence Against Women Act). 
  3. To be provided confidentiality and protection from any unwarranted disclosure regarding my treatment unless I have given permission to release information or reporting is required by law. 
  4. To receive information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any referral, procedure, and/or treatment in order to actively participate in my service planning process and to be aware of the professional credentials and licensing if required of all individual(s) providing service(s) to me. 
  5. To be provided clear information about the organization’s procedures for emergencies and after hour’s calls. 
  6. To be provided information regarding rescheduling missed appointments. 
  7. To be informed verbally and/or in writing about the benefits, risks and side effects of medication prescribed for me. 
  8. To consent or refuse treatment/service to the extent permitted by law and to be informed about the possible consequences of my action. 
  9. To expect to receive the necessary services to the best of the organization’s ability. 
  10. To expect to receive an explanation about the charges for my services. 
  11. To request a review of your medical record and to receive any needed explanations about the contents of my medical record. 
  12. To request a different professional service provider in writing to the appropriate clinic coordinator or program manager or his/her supervisor. 
  13. To utilize the organization’s grievance procedure if I feel my rights have been violated. 
  14. To get adequate information, including risks and benefits, and to give a written informed consent, before I agree to participate in any research project. 
  15. To obtain information as to any relationship this organization has with other health care and educational institutions that might assist us in providing your care. 
  16. To be informed about the purpose of a videotaped or recorded session and to give written informed consent before proceeding with it. 
  17. To expect to receive protection of confidentiality of alcohol and other drug use records as mandated by Federal law and regulations (42 CFR Part 2)

Client Grievance Procedure

People supported through LifeSkills’ programs, and their families, are encouraged to let us know of any concerns. Hopefully all problems can be solved at the program level and timeliness is important in addressing issues of concern. Reporting concerns and grievances will not result in retaliation or barriers to services.

If you are not satisfied or wish to express a concern, we ask that you utilize the following procedure:

  1. Notify your provider or staff member as soon as an issue arises. You can expect a response within (5) business days. You may receive assistance from LifeSkills staff, or an advocate of your choice at any of the following levels.
  2. If you find the result unfavorable at the Program level, you may contact the Divisional Vice President at 270-901-5000. For Mental Health or Substance Abuse Services contact Robin Gregory.  For Developmental Services Contact Brad Schneider. You will receive a response within (10) business days.
  3. If you are dissatisfied with the resolution, you may Contact the Corporate Compliance Officer 270-901-5000 Ext. 1032. You will be encouraged to state your grievance in writing to the following address: Attention Compliance Officer, LifeSkills, Inc., P.O. Box 6499, Bowling Green, KY 42102. You will receive a response within (10) business days from receipt or notification.
  4. If the individual finds the resolution unfavorable, the individual may request that the issues be submitted to the Grievance Committee for review. You will receive a response within 14 business days.
  5.  If you are not satisfied with the decisions made by LifeSkills’ internal grievance process, you may contact the Office of the Ombudsman, Cabinet for Health and Family Services, 209 St. Clair Street, Frankfort, KY 40601.

  Permission for Treatment/Services

I, _____________________________________, am the legal 🞐parent 🞐guardian 🞐client and I do herby grant my permission for the staff of LifeSkills, Inc. to render treatment and/or services to _______________________________.  Furthermore, I certify that I have full legal right to grant such permission.

Informed Consent Disclosure

You are assured confidentiality at LifeSkills, Inc.  This is the foundation on which we build our trust with you, and we value it highly.  We will not share information about you (or those for whom you have responsibility) without your knowledge.  Whenever it is necessary to share information with anyone outside of LifeSkills, we will discuss that with you and have you given permission to release such information by signing an “Authorization to use or disclose Protected Health Information” form indicating the specific information to be released and to whom it is to be released.

As noted above there are some conditions when your therapist is required by law to release confidential information about you with or without your permission.  They include the following:

  1. If your therapist has reasonable cause to believe that you intend to hurt yourself or someone else.
  2. If your therapist has knowledge of or suspects a child has been abused or neglected.
  3. If your therapist has knowledge of or suspects an adult who is vulnerable due to an emotional, intellectual, or physical disability has been the victim of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
  4. If your therapist is subpoenaed to court and ordered by the judge to testify about you.  The therapist will do his/her best to protect your right to confidentiality while complying with the court order.

Release of Information for Billing Purposes

In order to have services authorized and/or paid for by a third party (e.g., Insurance Co., Medicaid, Medicare, Department of Mental Health), it is necessary that we send certain information to them (e.g. diagnosis).  In some cases, insurance benefits are managed by a “managed care company” who may require more detailed information and updates from time to time to continue certification or payment of services.  When it is necessary to share such information, only information needed to certify services or access payment will be shared.  Your signature below indicates that you understand this and consent to information being provided to any third-party payer source.  

Primary Care Physician Information

To provide you the best care possible we feel it is important for all health care providers to be aware of other professionals involved with your treatment. Would you like for us to send a letter to your primary care physician informing them of your involvement with our agency? 

__________I have no Primary Care Physician 

__________I prefer not to notify my Primary Care Physician 

__________I would like for my Primary Care Physician to be notified.

Collateral Contact and Therapy

Therapy provided to you or your loved one may need to include discussions with others involved in your or your loved one’s life. This could mean discussions with significant others, siblings, parents, teachers or other mental health providers. You may be asked to sign a release of information to allow contact with one or more people that your therapist may want to include in discussion. Please indicate your preference for participating in collateral therapy. You can change your mind at any time by rescinding the release of information for the individual you were allowing LifeSkills, Inc. to contact. 

__________I have no objections to participating in collateral therapy at this time. I understand that a separate release of information will need to be completed for each participating individual. 
__________I do not wish to participate in collateral therapy at this time.

Consent for Telephone Contact

As a courtesy to clients we make appointment reminder calls alerting you to an upcoming appointment as well as inform you when it is necessary to change an existing appointment. You also have the right to refuse this service. Please mark your choice below. 

__________I give LifeSkills, Inc. consent to make appointment reminder calls, notify me of cancellations and leave a message if I am not available. 

__________I do not give LifeSkills, Inc. to contact me by phone. I understand that I will be notified when I arrive at the center of any changes in my appointment status.

Medical Consent

Authorization for LifeSkills, Inc. staff to consent to emergent medical treatment in the absence of a parent or guardian.  I hereby appoint any agent of: 

LifeSkills, Inc.
Medical Records 
P.O. Box 6499
Bowling Green, KY 42102-6499

as a representative, during my absence, authorized to consent for all medical treatment which may be required during my absence.  The medical facility and its officials and personnel providing any medical services to the client named above may rely upon the consent of authorization executed by the above named appointee with the same force and effect as if personally executed by me.   The consent and authorization shall include and extend to all matters for which consent or authorization is required under the policies of LifeSkills, Inc. This authorization shall be in effect until revoked by writing.

Notice of Privacy Practices

LifeSkills, Inc. is committed to treating and using your protected health information responsibly.  This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how and when we use or disclose that information. It also describes your rights as they relate to your protected health information. This notice is Effective April 14, 2013 and applies to all protected health information in custody of LifeSkills, Inc. as defined by Federal Regulation. If you wish to address any of the issues outlined in this document you can contact the manager of the service center where you are receiving services or you can contact LifeSkills, Inc. Compliance Officer. 

Compliance Officer

380 Suwannee Trail Street
Bowling Green, KY 42102-6499
Phone Number 270.901.5000 ext. 1316

LifeSkills, Inc. reserves the right to change the privacy practices described in this notice if the practices need to be changed to follow the law. We will make the new notice provisions effective for all the protected health information that we maintain. If we change our privacy practices, we will have them available upon request. It will also be posted at each service location.

(45 CFR 164.520, 45 CFR 164.520(b)(1)(i), 45 CFR 164.520(b)(1)(v)(A-C))


We will use your health information to provide, coordinate or manage your treatment.

For example: Information obtained by a staff member involved in your treatment will be recorded in your record and used to determine the course of treatment that should work best for you. Information from your record, both written and oral, and will be shared among LifeSkills team members who are directly involved in your treatment. Your health information may be used to contact you for appointment reminders if you elect to have reminders. Your health information may be used to coordinate treatment between other treating providers. 

We will use your health information for Payment

For Example: A bill may be sent to you or a third-party payer. The information on or accompanying the bill may include information that identifies you, as well as your diagnosis, and services provided. Only the minimum amount of information necessary to obtain payment will be sent.

We will use your health information for regular healthcare operations.

For Example: Members of LifeSkills’ staff who are not directly involved in your treatment may use information in your health record to assess the care and outcome in your case and others like it. This information will then be used to continually improve the quality and effectiveness of the healthcare and service we provide. 

(45 CFR 164.520(b)(1)(vii), 45 CFR 164.526(b)(1)(v)(C), 45 CFR 164.526(b)(1)(u)(A-D)


LifeSkills, Inc. takes the security of your health information seriously. We strive to ensure that all records are kept confidential and secure. However, there are times when it is necessary or we are compelled to release your protected health information without your written consent/authorization. Please note that under certain circumstances those clients receiving substance abuse services are going to have additional protections for their protected health information afforded to them under 42 CFR Part II. The examples listed below do not address the additional protections. The examples below outline some of those instances.

  1. As required by Law – We may be compelled to disclose your protected health information for law enforcement purposes as required by law. For example – we may disclose protected health information as part of a child abuse report or in response to a valid court order. 
  2. Public Health – LifeSkills, Inc. may release your health information to local, state or federal public health agencies as required by law to aid in the prevention or control of disease, injury or disability.
  3. Business Associates – There are some services provided in or on behalf of, our organization through contacts with business associates. Examples include contracting with the following: Auditors, attorneys and subcontractors. When these services are contracted, we may disclose your health information to our business associate so that they can perform the job we’ve asked them to do. All business associates are required to adhere to the same information privacy and security standards as LifeSkills.
  4. Research – Under certain circumstances, and only after a dedicated approval process meeting federal and state requirements, we may be requested to disclose your protected health information to help conduct medical research. If this is done, protocols will be instituted by an institutional review board to ensure the privacy of your protected health information.
  5. Coroners or Medical Examiners – We are required to release your health information to a coroner or a medical examiner without authorization. This may be necessary to determine a cause of death.
  6. Workers Compensation – We may disclose your protected health information to the extent authorized by and to the extent necessary to comply with laws relating to workers compensation or other similar programs established by law.
  7. Health Oversight Activities – We will disclose your health information, as necessary, to health agencies authorized by federal and state laws to conduct audits, investigations, licensure reviews and other activities that are related to the oversight of LifeSkills, Inc. by authorized government agencies.
  8. Victims of Abuse, Neglect or Violence – We will disclose your protected health information, only to the extent necessary, to report abuse, neglect or violence as required by law.
  9. Law Enforcement – We may disclose your protected health information to a law enforcement officer/official when required by law. An example would be when a client commits or is suspected of committing a crime on the premises of LifeSkills, Inc. In addition, there may be circumstances where we are required to release your protected health information to avert a serious threat to you or another’s health and safety. Disclosure in these instances is usually limited to law enforcement personnel who are involved in protecting the public safety.
  10. Judicial and Administrative Proceedings – We may be compelled by court order to disclose your protected health information in response to a valid court order commanding LifeSkills, Inc. to release the information without your permission, consent, or authorization.  


We will not use or disclose your health information without your written authorization with exception to the events/conditions previously listed in this document. Uses and disclosures of protected health information that utilize psychotherapy notes, marketing or the sale of your protected health information require your specific, written authorization. Should you authorize LifeSkills, Inc. or any agent thereof to release your information, you may revoke your authorization in writing at any time. Should you choose to revoke your authorization in writing we will no longer use/disclose information previously authorized. We cannot, however, restrict information previously released prior to your notification of revocation.


Inspect and receive a copy of your Protected Health Information – You have the right to inspect your health record and to receive a copy of your protected health information. You have the right to request that this information be provided in electronic form or format. If the form and format are readily produced, then LifeSkills, Inc. will make a reasonable and appropriate effort to accommodate your request. Our standard is however to produce a PDF document saved on a CD. This right applies to items found in our legal health record. This does not however apply to psychotherapy notes, which are not part of our designated record set, which are maintained for the personal use of a mental health professional. 

LifeSkills, Inc.
Medical Records 
P.O. Box 6499
Bowling Green, KY 42102-6499

(45 CFR 164.524)

You have the right to request a correction to your health information. You have the right to request that LifeSkills, Inc. amend incorrect or incomplete health information. An example would be that if you believe we recorded your date of birth incorrectly, you may request a correction in writing. Please note that we are not required to change your health information. If your request is denied, we will provide you with information regarding the denial; how you can disagree with the denial and any further actions you are afforded. You must submit your request, along with a reason to the address listed above. 

(45 CFR 164.528)

You now have the right to request restrictions to certain types of disclosures of your PHI under certain conditions. You have the right to request a restriction on how your health information is used and to whom it is disclosed. LifeSkills, Inc. is not required to agree under all circumstances to the restrictions on disclosure except in the instance of restrictions of information to a health plan which meets all the following conditions:

  1. The disclosure is to a health plan
  2. The disclosure is for carrying out the functions of either payment or healthcare operations
  3. The disclosures are not required by law
  4. The disclosure is regarding or pertains to a specific health care service which has been paid for by the consumer or their authorized representative, in full, prior to the procedure.

If you want to make this type of restriction you must request in writing, prior to the date of service, this restriction to the following address:

LifeSkills, Inc.
Medical Records 
P.O. Box 6499
Bowling Green, KY 42102-6499

You have the right to receive confidential communications of protected health information by alternative means or locations. You can also request that we communicate your health information electronically if the request is reasonable. LifeSkills must accommodate what is determined by industry standards as a reasonable request. 

(45 CFR 164.522(b))

You have the right to receive an accounting of disclosures of your health information. You have the right to request a list of disclosures of your health information that we have made in compliance with federal and state law. LifeSkills has 60 days with which to comply with your request from receipt of request unless you agree to a 30-day extension. LifeSkills, Inc. may not charge for the accounting of disclosures unless you request it more than once per year.

To request an accounting of disclosures you must submit the request in writing to:

Medical Records 
P.O. Box 6499
Bowling Green, KY 42102-6499

(45 CFR 164.528) 

You have the right to a paper version of this notice of Privacy Practices, even if you earlier agreed to receive this notice electronically. You may request a paper version of this notice at any LifeSkills, Inc. service location or our corporate office at:

Medical Records 
P.O. Box 6499
Bowling Green, KY 42102-6499

You have the right to be notified of a breach or your protected health information. LifeSkills is required by law to maintain the privacy of protected health records generated and maintained by LifeSkills, Inc. As such, LifeSkills, Inc. is obligated to notify you following a breach of unsecured protected health information. 

(ARRA – Title XIII Section 13402) (45 CFR Sections 160 and 164)

You have the right to revoke your authorization to use or disclose health information except to the extent that action has already been taken.

(45 CFR 164.508)


LifeSkills, Inc. is required to do the following:

  1. Maintain the privacy of your health information.
  2. Provide you with this notice as to our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to information we collect and maintain about you.
  3. Abide by the terms of this notice
  4. Notify you if we are unable to abide by a requested restriction.
  5. Accommodate reasonable requests you may have regarding the communication of your health information. 
  6. Get your written express, written authorization to disclose information for the purposes other than treatment, payment, or health care operations.

We reserve the right to change our practices at any time and to make the new provisions effective for all protected health information we maintain. You may request an updated copy of these information use policies at any time. Current copies of this privacy notice will always be posted conspicuously in all or our service locations. 

We will not use or disclose your protected health information without your authorization except as described in this notice or as otherwise allowable or required by law.                                                                                                                    

Missed Appointment Policy

It is very important for you to keep all your scheduled appointments here at our clinic. It is important for two reasons. First, we know that good results come from regular contact with your therapist, case manager, doctor, etc. Second, many adults and children want to be seen by our team, so the time we have scheduled for you is very valuable. 

We ask that you give us 24-hour notice when you are unable to make a scheduled appointment. By letting us know that you will not be keeping your appointment, we can offer time to another person. This will also assist us in rescheduling your appointment for a more convenient time. 

We are committed to providing you with the best mental health services available and ask that you join us in making the most of the time that has been scheduled for you. If you have any questions or concerns about our missed appointment policy, please feel free to talk with a team member. 

Notices Specific to Addiction Services

Terms of Addiction Services

  1. LifeSkills supports an individual’s freedom to choose where he or she will receive treatment at the level determined through an objective assessment by a qualified professional.
  2. In the case of DUI services, all information regarding current and previous DUI convictions needs to be provided prior to or at assessment. The completion of the program and/or reinstatement of an operator’s license may be delayed if any information is withheld.
  3. Each client may be required to submit to alcohol and drug screens on site, or be referred to a laboratory. The client is responsible for the cost regardless of results. A positive screen or arriving for services under the influence will result in the client and therapist reevaluating the treatment plan and making appropriate alterations.
  4. Violence or threats of violence toward anyone on the premises is immediate grounds for discharge.
  5. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Each group member is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of who attends group and what is said in the group.
  6. Payment is due at the time of service. Failure to pay for services could result in being discharged from the program. Services must be paid in full before the treatment is considered complete.
  7. Each client is encouraged to complete an initial 90 day period of abstinence.  Following this period, the client and therapist will address future expectations.
  8. Each client is expected to actively participate in treatment by completing assignments, showing respect for others, and verbal sharing in the group. The failure to actively participate and work toward treatment goals may result in dismissal from the program.
  9. Regular attendance is required. If the allowed misses are exceeded, the client can be referred back to their referral source for not following through with recommended services.

Confidentiality of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Client Records

The confidentiality of alcohol and substance abuse records maintained by this agency is protected by Federal laws and regulations. We cannot disclose to another person, agency or program that a client receives services with LifeSkills.  Nor do we disclose any information identifying a client as receiving addictions services. You need to be aware that this information can be disclosed under the following conditions:

  1. The client consents in writing
  2. The disclosure is allowed by a court order
  3. The disclosure is made to medical personnel in a medical emergency or
  4. to a qualified personnel for research, audit, or program evaluation (see HIPAA guidelines)

Violation of Federal laws and regulations by an agency or individual is a crime.  Suspected violations may be reported to appropriate authorities in accordance with LifeSkills Grievance Procedure and or in accordance with Federal regulations.

Federal laws and regulations do not protect information or individuals who commit a crime or threaten to commit a crime against LifeSkills employees or while on LifeSkills property.

Federal laws and regulations do not protect information or the reporting of suspected child abuse or neglect to the appropriate state or local authorities. 

Federal laws and regulations do not protect information or the reporting of suspected abuse, neglect or exploitation of an adult who is vulnerable due to an emotional, intellectual, or physical disability to the appropriate state or local authorities.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under Control No. 6930-0099)

(See 42 U.S.C. 290dd-3 and 42 U.S.C. 290ee-3 for Federal law and 42 CFR Part 2 for Federal regulations.)

Addiction Services Educational Agreement

    1. Educational services are provided to individuals seeking information, insight, and skills related to substances and the impact of substance use on their lives.  Some educational programs require that the sessions be attended in a certain order. Regular attendance is expected. If referred to services, the education participant can be reported as non-compliant if allowable absences are exceeded.
    2. Workbooks may be provided for or purchased by the education participant. If the workbook is lost, the education participant will have to purchase a replacement workbook when required.
    3. LifeSkills education participants may be required to submit to saliva and urine drug screens, to complete alcohol breathalyzer tests on site, or to be referred to a laboratory to complete blood or hair sample analysis. The LifeSkills education participant is assigned all financial responsibility for the cost of drug screens. A positive drug screen or arriving for services under the influence will result in the education participant and therapist reevaluating the educational recommendation and making appropriate adjustments in service. Educational services will not be provided to participants who arrive under the influence.
    4. Violence or threats of violence toward anyone on the premises or to LifeSkills property is immediate grounds for discharge.
    5. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times. Each group member is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of who attends group and what is said in the group.
    6. Payment is expected at the time the service is provided. Failure to pay for services could result in being discharged from the program. Services must be paid in full before the educational program is considered complete.
    7. Participation through assignment completion, showing respect for others, and verbal sharing in the group is expected. The failure to actively participate in education may result in the therapist reevaluating the recommendations and making appropriate adjustments in service or dismissal from the program.

Addiction Services Financial Agreement

The following are the standard addiction services self-pay rates. You can work with a LifeSkills staff member to determine if you can pay on the sliding fee scale for eligible services. Your therapist and you will determine which, if any, of these programs and services would be appropriate for you.

      • One-hour education group – $15
      • Pre-treatment – $10 per 15 minutes
      • Substance Abuse assessment fee – $144
      • DUI assessment fee – $144
      • Client drug screen – $25
      • Non-client drug screen – $50
      • Zero Tolerance PRI Class – $210

What you should know about AIDS and HIV

What is AIDS?

AIDS is the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome- a serious illness which makes the body unable to fight infection. A person with AIDS is susceptible to certain infections and cancers. When a person with AIDS cannot fight off infections, this person becomes ill. Most people with AIDS will die as a result of their infection.

What causes AIDS?

AIDS is caused by a virus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV.

HIV can be spread by:

      • Sexual contact (oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse) with an infected person when blood, semen or cervical/vaginal secretions are exchanged.
      • Sharing a syringe/needle with someone who is infected
      • Receiving contaminated blood or blood products (very unlikely now because blood used for transfusions has been tested for HIV antibodies since March 1985)
      • An infected mother passing HIV to her unborn child before or during childbirth, and possibly through breast feeding.
      • Receipt of transplant of infected tissue/organs or artificial insemination from an infected donor.
      • A needle stick or sharps injury in a healthcare setting involving an infected person.

You cannot get HIV through casual contact, such as:

      • Sharing food, utensils, or plates
      • Touching someone who is infected with HIV
      • Hugging or shaking hands
      • Donating blood- (this has NEVER been a risk for contracting HIV)
      • Using public restrooms
      • Being bitten by mosquitoes or any other insect


Early diagnosis of HIV infection is important! If you have been told you have HIV you should get prompt medical treatment. Your doctor will help you determine the best treatment for you.

HIV antibody testing:

Free anonymous and confidential testing and counseling is available at every health department in Kentucky. After being infected with HIV, it takes between two weeks and six months before the test can detect the antibodies to the virus.

You should be tested if you:

      • Have had sex with someone who had HIV
      • Have shared needles or syringes with someone who has HIV
      • Have had multiple sex partners or have had sex with someone who has had multiple partners
      • Have had sex through prostitution (male or female)
      • Have had sex with injecting drug users
      • Had a blood transfusion between 1978 and 1985
      • Are a women who is pregnant or desires to be pregnant and who wishes to reduce the chance of your baby getting HIV from you should you be infected

Remember: You can’t tell whether or not someone has HIV just by looking at them.


      • Do not share needles or syringes with anyone
      • Do not have sexual intercourse except with a monogamous partner whom you know is not infected. If you choose to have sex with anyone else, use latex condoms (rubbers), female condoms or dental dams every time you have sex.
      • Educate yourself and others about the HIV infection and AIDS

What is safer sex?

Safer sex practices include:

      • Abstinence (not having sex with another person)
      • Having sex only with a person who you know does not have HIV, who does not practice unsafe sex or inject drugs
      • Massage and hugging
      • Mutual masturbation
      • Dry kissing
      • Body-to-body rubbing

Possibly safer sex practices include:

      • French (wet) kissing
      • Oral sex using latex condom (rubber) or dental dam
      • Anal sex using a latex condom (rubber)
      • Vaginal sex using a latex condom (rubber) or female condom

Remember: To reduce your chance of getting HIV, use a new latex condom (rubber) or female condom even when you use another birth control method or even if you are already pregnant.

Unsafe sex practices include:

      • Semen (“cum”, “sperm”) or urine in the mouth
      • Anal sex without a condom (rubber)
      • Vaginal sex without a condom (rubber)
      • Sharing sex toys
      • Coming into contact with someone else’s blood

How to use a latex condom:

      1. Use a new latex condom (rubber) every time you have sex.
      2. The condom should be rolled onto the erect (hard) penis pinching an inch at the tip of the condom to hold the ejaculation (semen) fluid. Air bubbles should be smoothed out.
      3. Use plenty of WATER-BASED lubricants such as K-Y Jelly before and during intercourse. DO NOT USE oil-based lubricants such as petroleum jelly, mineral oil, vegetable oil, Crisco, or cold cream.
      4. After ejaculating (“cuming”), withdraw the penis holding the condom at the base so it will not slip off.
      5. Throw away the used condom (rubber) and wash hands.

This agency provides quality services to ALL patients, regardless of HIV status

If you need more information, please call:

      • Kentucky HIV/AIDS Education Program (502) 564-6539
      • Kentucky AIDS Hotline 1-800-840-2865 or the National AIDS Hotline 1-800-342-AIDS
      • Your Local Health Department’s AIDS Coordinator

Notice To All Clients Seeking Addiction Services

As a client seeking substance abuse services, it is extremely important that you are aware of several facts. There is a strong connection between substance abuse and both tuberculosis (TB) and HIV/AIDS. The incidence of TB-related illness in Kentucky has been increasing dramatically over the past several years, particularly in alcohol using populations. If you are in that category you are at a higher risk than the general population for contracting both TB and HIV/AIDS. We strongly encourage you to seek testing for these diseases because early detection is very important in their treatment.

If you wish to be screened for TB and/or HIV/ADS, you may arrange confidential testing by contacting your local health department. If you need any help finding these resources, please talk to the front desk or your therapist.


My signature below indicates that I have reviewed the following items and was given the opportunity to ask questions. *Specific to Addiction Services

      • Client Rights
      • Client Grievance Procedure 
      • HIPAA Privacy Notice 
      • Missed Appointment Policy 
      • Permission for Treatment 
      • Informed Consent Disclosure 
      • Release of Information for Billing Purposes 
      • Medical Consent
      • Terms of Addiction Services*
      • Confidentiality of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services*
      • Addiction Services Educational Agreement*
      • Addiction Services Financial Agreement*
      • What you Should Know About AIDS/HIV*
      • Notice to All Clients Seeking Addition Services*

Children & Adolescent Services

Initial appointments are available within 7-10 days for routine appointments, 2 days for urgent needs, and same day/walk-in basis for emergent situations.

LifeSkills Children’s services offer the widest and most intensive array of services in Southcentral Kentucky to children, adolescents, and their families. With over 60 full time clinical staff, LifeSkills Children’s services provide outpatient treatment in a variety of settings including office, home, school, and daycare. Individuals needing more intense services may receive residential or respite services in settings such as the Children’s Crisis Stabilization Unit or therapeutic foster care homes. The IMPACT program is available exclusively through LifeSkills and has access to services such as respite and service coordination, and High-Fidelity Wraparound.

LifeSkills offers the most comprehensive array of services for children and their families that are available in the 10 county Barren River region. With over 70 full time employees dedicated to meeting the needs of children and families experiencing mental health issues we offer services ranging from routine outpatient therapy to intensive outpatient and residential services. Individual programs that service the specific needs of children are available in all 10 counties. LifeSkills Children’s services is the only organization in south central Kentucky with the ability to accommodate the often-changing needs of children by allowing them to move seamlessly though various levels of care with the ultimate goal of maintaining the family system and avoiding out of home placement.

Outpatient Therapy

LifeSkills provides quality behavioral health services to our clients in the form of mental health therapy for children who are experiencing mental illness and/or behavior problems. Mental health services consist of individual, family, and group therapy as appropriate and clinically necessary. Services are provided in a variety of settings including the clinic, home, and school.

School Based Therapy
LifeSkills clinicians are assigned to specific schools as their primary worksite and work a schedule that parallels the school calendar in the county where they are assigned. In addition to providing individual, family, and group therapy, clinicians can also provide consultation, collaboration, and advocacy for clients when appropriate.

Psychiatric Evaluation and Monitoring
LifeSkills has several psychiatrists and Psychiatric Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners on staff to provide psychiatric consultation, evaluation, and medication monitoring to clients involved in other LifeSkills programs or services.

Early Childhood Mental Health Program
The Early Childhood Mental Health Program is a community resource available to child care centers, families, and community partners. The Early Childhood Mental Health Program works to improve the childhood experience of children ages birth-5 by addressing their social, emotional, and relational needs. The Early Childhood Mental Specialist provides assessments of mental health needs of children currently in child centers. 

Therapeutic services are provided to children and their families in the home, in the office, and childcare centers. Outreach and instructional programs to caregivers and families through public and private childcare centers and other groups are also provided.  Although not part of the Early Childhood Mental Health Program, the Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist also performs Autism Assessments on a wide range of children for families as requested.  Available in all counties.

KY IMPACT (Service Coordination/Targeted Case Management)

KY Impact Service Coordination

Each family approved for KY IMPACT services is assigned a service coordinator. The role of the service coordinator is to:  link family to resources and services; provide support for parental education; collaborate with other agencies; act as an advocate; and coordinate service team meetings. 

Family/Youth Peer Support
LifeSkills KY IMPACT provides support and education through 1:1 Parent and Youth Support. We have two types of peer support: Family Peer Support Specialist and Youth Peer Support Specialist.  The Family Peer Support also offers a yearly weekend parent retreat as well as several family fun events throughout the year.

Community Support Wraparound
Involves planned therapeutic and mentoring activities structured around meeting individualized goals developed by the service team. CSW provides in-home support and/or parental education for the child’s caregiver as prescribed by the service team.

Regional Youth Council
RYC is a group that serves youth in the KY IMPACT program from the ages of 13-18. RYC meets once a month for 2-3 hours. The group focuses on the development of independent living, skill development, peer support and mentoring, youth leadership, and community service. RYC is designed to help youth build character and relationships, learn coping skills, and develop into self-reliant adults.

High Fidelity Wraparound

High Fidelity Wraparound is a process utilizing intensive case management. The Wraparound team consists of individuals committed to the family through informal, formal and community support services and service relationships.  

Available in all counties.

Transition Age Youth Coordination

The TAY Coordinator is responsible for collaborating across local programming to enhance supports that are developmentally appropriate and evidence informed for youth, young adults, and their families who are affected by a serious behavioral health issue (mental health and substance use). The TAY Coordinator serves as the regional expert in transition age youth best practices and works to build the capacity within the region to provide excellent support and services for the TAY population. They oversee and coordinate the continuum of services and supports for youth and young adults between the ages of fourteen (14) and twenty-six (26) who either have, or are at risk of developing, serious behavioral health (mental health and substance use) conditions including SED and SMI and those with co-occurring mental health and substance use challenges. Available in all counties.

iHOPE Services

iHOPE identifies and supports young people and their families whose symptoms are consistent with schizophrenia and/or bipolar disorder with psychosis. iHOPE helps clarify diagnosis and assure access to appropriate care. 

Acute symptoms of psychosis include hallucinations, seeing and hearing things others don’t, disturbances to speech, changes in how emotions are expressed, and stereotyped movement. Onset of these symptoms usually occurs gradually.  

Without early identification, young people with psychosis are at greater risk of school drop-out, loss of social support and ability to function, long-term trauma, legal involvement, disability, and poverty. With early intervention and support, most of these consequences can be prevented, and most individuals graduate from school, enter the workforce, and live a full and meaningful life. The iHOPE program offers intensive wraparound services for youth with ongoing symptoms, an intensive two-year program with a team, including medical professionals, therapists, case managers, and peer support specialists.  10th Street and available in all counties.

Children’s Mobile Crisis

Mobile crisis is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to persons in the LifeSkills ten county area.  It offers an immediate response to individuals who may need support to prevent a crisis or are experiencing a crisis related to mental health, substance abuse, or intellectual/developmental disabilities.  Evaluations are voluntary, HIPPA compliant, and conducted in locations that are considered safe.  Intervening in a crisis at the time it is happening will help to engage individuals with a broad array of services as well as attempt to prevent further child welfare involvement when applicable.  Mobile crisis staff will be trained in de-escalation techniques, suicide prevention, and crisis counseling.  Staff will also be informed of mental health and other available resources in the community.  Individuals will be referred for applicable follow-up resources as needed. Available in all counties.

Children’s Crisis Stabilization Unit (CCSU)

The CCSU is an organized therapeutic environment aimed to reduce or eliminate crisis situations.  It provides short term, acute crisis care to children and their families.  Individuals under the age of 18 who are seen as being at risk of out of home placement, including psychiatric hospitalization and who, without CCSU intervention, might require such hospitalization.  

Services are offered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Services offered are Individual, Family, Group, Behavior Management, Social Skill Training, Education, psychiatric, and Case Management. Available for children in all counties.

LifeSkills Children’s Crisis Stabilization Unit
501 Chestnut Street
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Telephone: 270-901-5000
Fax: 270-781-8987

Help Line Hotline Crisis & Information- 270-842-4357 or 


Therapeutic Rehabilitation Services for Children (Summer Program)

Summer Program is a therapeutic rehabilitation program aimed at improving a child’s self-esteem, personal adjustment, and daily living skills through an effective intervention plan and goal-oriented program.  It assists children in developing a healthy self-concept and developing the ability to function in the community.  Services are provided daily during the week while children are on summer vacation.  Services offered are Individual, Family, Group, Case Management, Peer Support, and Therapeutic Rehabilitation.  Children under the age of 18 who have a mental health diagnosis, require more than intermittent outpatient services, and have Medicaid as their payer source qualify for this program. Available in several counties.

Adult Services

Adult services at LifeSkills are geared toward returning individuals to their highest level of functioning as quickly as possible. For those dealing with less severe mental health issues, counseling is provided by licensed mental health professionals who focus on individualized, strengths-based approaches to coping with life’s problems and developing skills that build resiliency for tomorrow’s challenges. Consumers living with more severe forms of mental illness have access to a wide array of services that help support life in the community and build collaborative plans for recovery from the disabling effects of psychiatric conditions. Available in all counties.

The following specialized services are limited to individuals within targeted populations that meet eligibility requirements.

Targeted Case Management

This service is limited to individuals with severe mental illness who need additional support within the community to access necessary resources such as food, clothing, housing, medical care, and entitlement benefits. Available in all counties.

Case Management Services are offered in a variety of programs: 

      • Mental Health 
      • Substance Use 
      • Kentucky Moms MATR for Pregnant Women 
      • Housing 
      • Prevention 
      • iHOPE – First Episode Psychosis 
      • Residential Services 
      • Crisis Services 
      • Supported Employment

Therapeutic Rehabilitation

Day programs are available to eligible consumers with severe mental illness. Participants are engaged in activities designed to improve daily living skills, increase socialization, and improve their understanding of the recovery process. 

Peer Support Teams

 These teams are completely consumer-run and consist of volunteers recovering from mental illness who mentor and support others who are struggling with psychiatric disabilities. Available in Allen, Hart, and Warren Counties. 

Wellness Connection

Wellness Connection is dedicated to helping support people in their recovery journey through support, education, and resources. 

Adult Peer Support Services-Peer supports offer one on one support for housing resources, connection to services, supports and benefits, socialization, activities, support groups, onsite computer lab-apply for jobs, benefits, and resume. 

Wellness Connection

428 Center Street
BG KY 42101
T and Th-10am to 4pm
Wed: Street outreach and lunch 10am to 4pm. Lunch provided at 11am

ACT Team

The Assertive Community Treatment Team is an intensive outpatient approach designed for consumers who are at high risk for frequent hospitalizations and who fail to benefit from traditional office-based approaches to treatment. A multidisciplinary team provides therapy, case management, peer support, and recovery education to individuals in their preferred environments (e.g. home). Available in Warren County.

Adult Crisis Stabilization

The Adult Crisis Unit is a voluntary residential facility for individuals in a mental health crisis. The average length of stay is from 3-5 days based upon need as well as bed availability. ACSU care is preceded by a phone referral or face to face assessment. If admission criteria are met and the individual agrees to ACSU services, appropriate admission paperwork is completed. If admission criteria are not met, a referral will be made to the appropriate treatment setting. 


A 24- hour Crisis line 1-800-223-8913 or 843-HELP (4357) is at the center of LifeSkills emergency services. It serves LifeSkills ten-county area and allows a quick response to emergency situations.

Help Line Hotline Crisis & Information- 270-842-4357 or 


LifeSkills Adult Crisis Stabilization Unit
822 Woodway Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Telephone: 270-901-5000
Toll Free: 800-837-3954
Fax: 270-783-0609

Jail Triages

This program provides 24 – hour evaluations by a Behavioral Health Professional to jails in the LifeSkills region. This service identifies, assesses, and makes recommendations for inmates with mental health needs

Substance Use Services

LifeSkills provides a full continuum of services for substance use concerns. Whether you need outpatient services, residential programs, medications for opioid use disorder, or prevention services. These services are provided with a focus on individualized treatment planning to fit the individual’s needs. Intensive outpatient programs are accessible to individuals needing extra support and structure to achieve sobriety. Our residential facilities, Park Place Recovery Center for Men and Park Place Recovery Center for Women, provides a non-medical detoxification and comprehensive treatment to individuals seeking sobriety as well as their families

Outpatient Treatment

Outpatient Services provides individualized treatment planning to assist persons in examining their lives and making changes that improve their lives. Those seeking help may have the following available to them:

Assessments – DUI and additional alcohol and other drug assessments are available to individuals requiring an evaluation to determine their level of involvement with alcohol and other drugs. As a result of the assessment process, treatment and non-treatment recommendations are made.

Education – Available through individual and group sessions. Basic alcohol and other drug education along with education about goal setting and change can be provided. Group programming is available based on need.

Zero Tolerance DUI Services – is an initial screening provided to individuals seeking services due to a zero tolerance DUI conviction. Individuals are then referred to the appropriate program to help them complete their DUI counseling requirement.

Individual Sessions – Initial motivation for change is often developed through individual sessions. Additionally, these sessions may be used to identify and work on complex concerns. 

Case Management for Women and for Pregnant Women – Available in 6 counties, case management services are provided to support women and pregnant women in seeking and maintaining healthier lifestyles. Case managers assist the women they work with in reducing the barriers to achieve a successful treatment experience. Pregnancy case managers also provide outreach services to those who are at high risk for substance use during pregnancy and who may not be seeking treatment. 

Group Therapy – Weekly group sessions are provided in nearly every county. Individuals attending these sessions develop a treatment plan with their therapist which outlines their goals and the steps they will take to achieve them. The group sessions provide opportunities to improve communication skills, awareness, and to access support that can motivate individuals to change. 

Drug Testing – Referral sources and individuals may request drug testing to support treatment efforts to achieve and maintain sobriety. 

Psychiatric/Medication Evaluation and Management – Some individuals participating in addiction counseling have co-occurring mental health concerns. Psychiatric and medication evaluations are available to the individuals that would benefit from this additional intervention. 

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – Provides additional structure and support to individuals seeking to achieve sobriety. Those participating in this program can expect to attend group sessions for a minimum of six hours per week. Weekly family group sessions assist family members in improving their understanding of addiction and how they can support efforts to achieve and maintain sobriety. Aftercare is available, free of charge, to individuals who have completed IOP.

Residential Treatment

LifeSkills provides a full range of substance abuse services throughout the region. These services are provided with a focus on individualized treatment planning to fit the individual’s need. Outpatient educational and treatment services are provided in all ten LifeSkills’ counties. Intensive Outpatient Programs are accessible to individuals needing extra support and structure to achieve sobriety. Our residential facilities, Park Place Recovery Center Men and Park Place Recovery Center for Women, provide non-medical detoxification and comprehensive treatment to individuals seeking sobriety as well as to their families.

Non-Medical Detoxification – Provided to some individuals who need assistance achieving initial abstinence due to minor physical withdrawal symptoms. 

Individualized Treatment Planning – Through individual sessions and joint effort, the therapist and client develop goals for the residential stay.

Family Sessions and Family Group – Family involvement is central to individuals repairing the wreckage of the past and laying a foundation for a new life. Families of addicted individuals have been profoundly affected by addiction and through family sessions and family group they can begin to heal along with their loved one. 

Education Groups – Provide the up-to-date information about addiction. The effects on brain functioning, behavior, relationships, and more are explained through these groups.

Therapy Groups – With positive and caring support clients participate in these intensive sessions, challenging themselves and one another to achieve awareness and change their behavior. 

Introduction to 12-Step Self Help Recovery Groups – Attendance at local 12-step recovery groups occur multiples times per week. Speakers and steps studies also occur weekly. 

Psychiatric Evaluation Referral – A referral to a psychiatric/medication evaluation is available for individuals who appear to need additional assistance. 

Social/Recreational Therapy – Individuals participate in recreational and social activities that support sobriety. 

Aftercare – Weekly after-care meetings are for individuals who have completed the residential program. These meetings are an opportunity to connect with others in recovery and improve skills that support recovery. 

Park Place Recovery Center

Park Place Recovery Center for Men – is a 35-bed facility for individuals who have advanced or chronic chemical addition. The length of stay varies based on individual needs. The services may include non-medical detoxification, Individual treatment planning, family and group sessions, 12-Step recovery groups, psychiatric evaluation referrals. Allen County

LifeSkills, Inc. Recovery Home for Men

LifeSkills, Inc. Recovery Home for Men – is in a residential neighborhood in Bowling Green and can house 8 men. It is the mission to provide men a safe, secure, and recovery-oriented living environment to begin leading sober, independent lives that are socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually stable and rewarding. Peer support services are provided to individuals residing at the home and additional referrals for services can be made as needed. Warren County


Residential Transitional Living Facility – Haven4Change is a 25 bed Residential Transitional Living Facility for women that offers a structured living environment designed to provide a continuum of treatment and help stabilize the function and emotional aspects of a woman’s life. To keep families together, Haven4Change provides services to women in recovery and their children (ages 12 or younger). The following services are available to women and their children.

Comprehensive Substance Use and Mental Health Assessment – Therapists complete a comprehensive assessment at intake to develop an awareness of client needs, determine appropriate level of care, and refer for additional services when necessary.

Individual Therapy – Clients work alongside an individual therapist for the duration of their stay at Haven4Change. To attend to a range of presenting concerns, therapists assist clients in creating a person-centered treatment plan to meet their individual needs. Therapists utilize evidence-based practices to address substance use and mental health concerns. 

Urine Drug Screening – Frequently requested by referral sources, we provide random urine drug screening in order to facilitate accountability and support-maintained sobriety.

Peer Specialist Services – As trained peers who have experienced addiction and successfully maintained a sober lifestyle, Peer Support Specialists serve our clients by providing encouragement, sharing their experiences in recovery, and aiding in creating sober support networks within the recovery community.

Targeted Case Management and Pregnancy Case Management – Clients frequently present with financial distress and lack of access to resources in the community. Targeted Case Managers empower clients to access community resources that assist with needs such as transportation, food, clothing, financial assistance, housing, and employment. Pregnancy Case Managers specialize in addressing the specific needs of pregnant women.

Psychiatric/Medication Evaluation & Management – Therapists may refer individuals for psychiatric evaluation and medication management services. LifeSkills provides Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) services for certain individuals seeking recovery from Opioid Use Disorders.

Group Therapy – Therapists engage clients in evidenced based group therapy services to provide education, enhance communication skills, increase client awareness, and facilitate a supportive environment. Group therapy often addresses topics including, but not limited to: substance use, mental health, relationships, and sober coping skills.

Parenting Group – Utilizing the “Celebrating Families” curriculum, Haven4Change 

provides parenting specific group sessions to build parenting skills for mothers in recovery. “Celebrating Families” is a 16-session curriculum designed to address needs specific to parents struggling with alcohol or other drug use.  Warren County

Supported Employment

IPS Supported Employment – IPS Supported Employment assists individuals with severe mental illness work at competitive jobs of their choosing, focusing on client strengths and preferences to create a good job match. Although variations of supported employment exist, IPS (Individual Placement and Support) refers to the evidence-based practice of supported employment. Services are individualized to each client and offer long-lasting support for as long as the client wants and needs to be successful in the workplace. 

Characteristics of IPS Supported Employment
* It is an evidence-based practice
* IPS supported employment practitioners focus on client strengths
* Work can promote recovery and wellness
* Practitioners work in collaboration with state vocational rehabilitation
* It uses a multidisciplinary team approach
* Services are individualized and long-lasting
* The IPS approach changes the way mental health services are delivered

Supported Housing

Supported Housing Department – LifeSkills, Inc., Supported Housing Department is comprised of three programs: housing subsidy assistance, low-income rental units, and homeless outreach and prevention services. Within the housing subsidy assistance program, LifeSkills, Inc. operates a Permanent Supported Housing TBRA grant, medium term rental assistance program through the HOME TBRA program, and a Rapid Re-Housing program that is channeled through the Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC).  Each program has different criteria for acceptance.  Referrals for these programs are made both internally and externally and are filtered through our local prioritization committee that is headed up by KHC.   

LifeSkills, Inc. operates eight apartment units thru an Affordable Housing Trust Fund Grant, channeled thru Kentucky Housing Corporation. Six units are in Warren County and two units are in Barren County. Referrals are also done internally, and eligibility is based on income and special needs. 

With LifeSkills, Inc.’s homeless outreach and prevention services, our Supported Housing Program operates a PATH/SOAR Grant. The PATH program provides outreach, resources, referrals, and Case Management services to individuals who have been diagnosed with an SMI and are experiencing literal homelessness or are at risk to become homeless.  The SOAR program aids with applying for disability benefits for individuals who have been diagnosed with an SMI and are experiencing homelessness. Referrals for these programs are received both internally and externally.  Our Supported Housing program also operates a Homeless Prevention Project. This project provides discharge planning services to individuals who have been diagnosed with an SMI or SED who are exiting state-operated or contracted institutions, including hospitals, jails or prisons, and foster care programs, who would become homeless or are expected to become homeless, upon discharge.  

The mission of the Supported Housing program is to provide safe and affordable housing to a special needs’ population, while also linking homeless individuals/families with the appropriate resources to become self-sufficient. 

Regional Prevention Center

The mission of LifeSkills Regional Prevention Center (RPC) is to provide professional assistance to communities in the Barren River Region (Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Hart, Logan, Metcalfe, Monroe, Simpson, and Warren) in the planning and implementation of activities aimed at preventing substance abuse.

Kentucky’s Regional Prevention Centers (RPCs) can help individuals and groups develop prevention programs that will encourage healthy choices about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Fifteen centers are set up to serve all counties in the state. Prevention specialists at each center provide education and training programs, information, and consultation services. 

Regional Prevention Centers provide the service described below.

Community Development – Assist community residents, leaders, and groups in coming together to discuss their community’s strengths and needs, and develop a comprehensive prevention plan.

Consultation and Technical Assistance – Provide information and advice on effective prevention programs, as well as, strategies and how to tailor them to individual situations. 

Early Intervention Services –The early childhood consultant offers services and support to all pregnant and parenting moms with children ages 0 to 5 years old. The ECC provides educational classes and connects mothers, children and community partners to services and resources that focus on improving their overall quality of life. 

KY Moms MATR– helps expectant moms in Kentucky receive services and be supported in their desire to deliver healthy babies. Services include baby workshops, referrals to prenatal and well-baby care, assistance with drug or alcohol problems, case management, crisis intervention, and information about other available community services.

Public Information – Works with local media to publicize prevention efforts and get accurate and helpful information to the public. 

Resource Center – Provides a reading room with books, documents, and periodicals on prevention. Provides a link to prevention professionals and organizations across the United States and in other countries via the internet and Regional Alcohol and Drug Awareness Resource (RADAR) Network. Collects videos and curricula on prevention topics for loan or free preview.

Training and Education – Provides interactive training for adults and youth on how to implement prevention strategies. Trains individuals and groups who will subsequently affect or train others.

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Services

The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Services (CCBHC) coordinates whole person care for our clients – everything from arranging crisis stabilization to helping them make appointments for other health concerns. Available in Warren County. 

Promoting the Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health (PIPBHC)

The “PIP Program” promotes bidirectional primary and behavioral health care integration focusing on populations who have physical health conditions or have/risk developing chronic diseases with mental illnesses-Serious Mental Illness (SMI), substance use disorder (SUD) or Co-occurring Disorder (COD). 

Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs)-LifeSkills in Warren County-collaborate with the Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)-Fairview Community Health (Warren County)- to prioritize a continuum of care for this patient population. PIP Program offers co-located, integrated services; including screenings, assessments, diagnosis prevention, treatment, therapy services, shared individualized care planning, client engagement and retention strategies. Available in Warren County

Service Center Locations

Allen County

LifeSkills Service Center
512 Veterans Memorial Hwy
Scottsville, KY 42164
Telephone: 270-237-4481 Or 270-901-5000 ext. 0100
Fax: 270-237-3559

Park Place Recovery Center

49 Hillview Drive
Scottsville KY 42164
Recovery Center: 270-239-4020
Fax: 270-239-1083

Barren County

LifeSkills Service Center
608 Happy Valley Road, PO Box 1539
Glasgow, KY 42142-1539
Telephone: 270-651-8378 Or 270-901-5000 ext. 0101
Fax: 270-651-9248 

LifeSkills Friendship Clubhouse
608 Happy Valley Road, PO Box 1539
Glasgow, KY 42142-1539
Telephone: 270-651-8378 ext. 1288
Fax: 270-651-9248 

Butler County

LifeSkills Service Center

222 Industrial Drive North
Morgantown KY 42261
Telephone: 270-526-3877 or 270-901-5000 ext. 0102
Fax: 270-526-9290

Edmonson County

LifeSkills Service Center
205 Mohawk, PO Box 596
Brownsville, KY 42210
Telephone: 270-597-2713 Or 270-901-5000 ext. 0103
Fax: 270-597-9194

Hart County

LifeSkills Service Center
118 West Union Street
Munfordville, KY 42765
Telephone: 270-524-9883 Or 270-901-5000 ext. 0104
Fax: 270-524-0437

Logan County 

LifeSkills Service Center
433 Shelton Lane
Russellville, KY 42276
Telephone: 270-726-3629 Or 270-901-5000 ext. 0105
Fax: 270-726-3620

Edgewood Residence

105 Edgewood Drive
Russellville KY 42276
Telephone: 270-726-3667

Metcalfe County

LifeSkills Service Center
112 Sartin Drive, PO Box 600
Edmonton, KY 42129
Telephone: 270-432-4951 Or 270-901-5000 ext. 0106
Fax: 270-432-5054 

Monroe County

LifeSkills Service Center
200 North Crawford Street Suite 3
Tompkinsville, KY 42167
Telephone: 270-487-5655 Or 270-901-5000 ext. 0107
Fax: 270-487-5948 

Simpson County

LifeSkills Service Center

1031 Brookhaven Road
Franklin KY 42134
Telephone: 270-586-8826 or 270-901-5000 ext. 0108
Fax: 270-586-8828

Warren County

LifeSkills Corporate Office
380 Suwannee Trail Street
PO Box 6499
Bowling Green, KY 42103
Telephone: 270-901-5000
Adult Fax: 270-842-6553
Children’s Fax: 270-782-5927
Medical Records: 270-781-0536
Finance, Administration- 270-842-5268
Human resources fax: 270-781-0035

Warren County

Wishing Well Clubhouse

428 Center Street
Bowling Green KY 42101
Telephone: 270-901-5000 ext. 1189

Wellness Connection

428 Center Street
Bowling Green KY 42101
Telephone: 270-901-5041
Open: Tues-Thurs 10am to 4pm, Monday and Friday by appointment


1500 Parkside Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Telephone: 270-796-1764 or 270-901-5000 ext. 0340

Warren County

ACT Team

428 Center Street
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Telephone: 270-791-3561

Opioid Based Outpatient Treatment

380 Suwannee Trail Street
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Telephone: 270-901-5177
Fax: 270-846-2334

Adult Crisis Unit

822 Woodway Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Telephone: 1-800-223-8913 or 270-901-5000 ext. 1301

Warren County

Children Crisis Unit

501 Chestnut Street
Bowling Green KY 42101
Telephone: 270-901-5000 ext. 1242

Warren County


328 East 10th Street Ave
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Telephone: 270-901-5000 ext. 1233
Fax: 270-781-8646

Warren County

LifeSkills, Inc. Recovery Home for Men

226 St. Albans Drive
Bowling Green KY, 42103

Telephone: 270-901-5000


After 5pm & weekends 24-hour crisis line-
Fax: 270-783-0609
TRS:  711
National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline:  988

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