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Address: Las Vegas, Nevada

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Adult services at LifeSkills are geared toward returning individuals to their highest level of functioning as quickly as possible. For those dealing with less severe mental health issues, counseling is provided by licensed mental health professionals who focus on individualized, strengths-based approaches to coping with life’s problems and developing skills that build resiliency for tomorrow’s challenges. Consumers living with more severe forms of mental illness have access to a wide array of services that help support life in the community and build collaborative plans for recovery from the disabling effects of psychiatric conditions.

Initial appointments are available within 7-10 days for routine appointments,
2 days for urgent needs,
and same-day/walk-in basis for emergent situations.

The following specialized services are limited to individuals within targeted populations that meet eligibility requirements.

Targeted Case Management

This service is limited to individuals with severe mental illness who need additional support within the community to access necessary resources such as food, clothing, housing, medical care, and entitlement benefits. Available in all counties.

ACT Team

The Assertive Community Treatment Team is an intensive outpatient approach designed for consumers who are at high risk for frequent hospitalizations and who fail to benefit from traditional office-based approaches to treatment. A multidisciplinary team provides therapy, case management, peer support, and recovery education to individuals in their preferred environments (e.g. home). Available in Warren County.

Therapeutic Rehabilitation

Day programs are available to eligible consumers with severe mental illness. Participants are engaged in activities designed to improve daily living skills, increase socialization, and improve their understanding of the recovery process. Programs are located in Barren, Metcalfe and Warren Counties.

Peer Support

Peer support specialists are individuals living with a psychiatric diagnosis and/or addiction who have been trained to use their own experiences to support others in recovery. Peer support specialists strive to promote greater independence, increase community integration, and educate others in the concepts of recovery.

Supported Employment

Supported Employment helps people locate and maintain employment. Supported Employment staff support people both on and off the job to ensure success. Each person is assisted with career exploration, identification of job assistance/accommodations needs, resume preparation, interview preparation/support, and customized employment search. Once the person obtains employment, staff provide one-on-one job coaching on the job site until he or she can work independently. On-going follow up meetings are then conducted with the company and the person to ensure the job match remains successful.

“Mental illness can happen to anyone, no matter what age, economic status, or race. At any given time, 25 million Americans, nearly one in five, suffer from a clearly diagnosable mental disorder that interferes with employment, attendance at school, or daily life.” –National Association of Mental Health.

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