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Dear Reader –
Last year I was at a very low place and really had no idea what was going on. I had always excelled in school and my grades were dropping, I was isolating, fighting with others and I was starting to hear odd sounds throughout the day. I was so afraid that I was going through something that had never happened before to anyone. I also worried that if I told anyone I would be put into a hospital. Eventually things got so bad that I had to tell my parents who took me for help. I was enrolled into iHOPE which is just for people experiencing what I was going through. I was told how common this was which helped me a lot. I was educated on what was going on and what I could do to help. Very quickly with this specialized assistance I returned to normal functioning. Before getting help I was worried that all of my dreams and goals would be outside of what I could do because of my symptoms but I am happy to say that I recently got my drivers permit, got my first job for after school, grades have returned to normal and I am taking many college courses, and I have a girlfriend. I am now in my transition phase of iHOPE and feel that I have been given just what I needed at just the right time and can now go on and have the successful life that I dreamed of.

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