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Coping Tips if your Loved One is in Treatment During the Holidays

holding hands
Image Credit: Sơn Bờm

Navigating the festive season while a loved one is on their recovery journey can be deeply challenging. Here are some coping tips from our team.

Coping Tip #1:

Consider going to an Al-Anon Meeting. There you can find support and information from friends and family of alcoholics (and often other addictions). Go to and search for a meeting in your area.

Coping Tip #2:

Don’t Blame yourself for someone else’s drinking or drug use. You didn’t cause your family member or friend to have these problems, you can’t control their drinking or use, and you can’t cure their problems.

Coping Tip #3:

Find something you enjoy doing for yourself and set aside time to do it. Self-care is not selfish. Your entire world cannot revolve around the person who is struggling. Rejuvenating yourself will help you be stronger to face any trials that come.

Coping Tip #4:

Don’t do something for your family members that they can do for themselves.

Coping Tip #5:

Do your best to live in the present day. Fretting about the past and making up stories about the future does not help today. When you find your mind on the past or the present, notice your current surroundings and try to pay attention to what is going on in this moment.

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