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Start Fresh, but Ditch the Resolutions

Photo Credit: Helena Lopes
Photo Credit: Helena Lopes

Start fresh, but ditch the resolutions – Focus on building small habits to encourage positive and impactful changes in your life.

  • Be kind to yourself – Change can be hard, so allow yourself grace and forgiveness.
  • Practice gratitude – Write down 3 things every day that you’re grateful for even if it’s a small task like getting outside to walk the dog.
  • Make time for self-care – Make a list of self-care activities and make them part of your daily routine. This could be a walk outside, coffee with your loved ones, a family dinner – anything that brings you a moment of joy.
  • Get rest – Sleep is so important to our mental health and overall well-being. Try going to bed a little earlier every night and give your body the rest it needs.
  • Move your body – Even if it’s 10 minutes twice a day, small movements can give you the energy boost you need to get through the day.
  • Limit screen time – Screens can impact our sleep and relationships and even lead to feelings of depression and anxiety. Add time limits on your social media platforms and get some face-to-face time with loved ones.
  • Find a resource
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